Sulawesi Utara
Fungsi Pekerjaan
Pemasaran / Hubungan Masyarakat (Humas) > Pemasaran - Merk / Manajemen ProdukPenjual, Pelayanan Pelanggan & Pengembang Bisnis > Pelayanan Akun
Penjual, Pelayanan Pelanggan & Pengembang Bisnis > Penjual Ritel
- Wanita / Pria
- Usia 24 s/d 35 tahun
- Pendidikan min S1 / D3
- Memiliki pengalaman dibidang penjualan produk perbankan
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
- Berpenampilan menarik
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap dengan Lamar Sekarang atau dengan Via Pos ke
PT. Sun Life Financial Indonesia
Menara Sun Life, lantai 12
Jl. Dr Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Blok 6.3
Kawasan Mega Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan 21950
Telp 021 52890000 ext 1188 / 1218
UP: Recruitment Training Development - Partnership Ditribution (RTD- PD)
Atensi : Bp. Irfan / Ms Ajeng
Lamaran Anda akan langsung terkirim ke
Ref perusahaan fan
Join a Fast Growing Team of Sun Life Financial Group!
Sun Life Financial – a leading international financial services organization, headquartered in Toronto, Canada – and one of the leading insurers in the Indonesian market - is seeking for people with talent, integrity, passion, and ambition to be successful to join our fast growing group of companies. By joining our fast growing group of companies, you will have a lot of opportunities to grow your career in the future.
Sun Life Financial Group strives to provide a simulating workplace environment by recognizing employees’ accomplishments, helping them grow, develop as professionals and giving them tangible encouragement to advance in their career. We open opportunities for our employees to work in many project initiatives, which will provide them with insights of other technical expertise, constructive team work and results orientation of the people involved in the project. Furthermore, employees of Sun Life Financial Group will be exposed to network of people from other countries within the Sun Life Financial’s operation. This will definitely enrich your knowledge of best practices and expand your horizons.
Industri perusahaan
Asuransi / Dana Pensiun
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